The RockYou2024 Data Leak

rockyou2024 data leak

The RockYou2024 Data Leak

The RockYou2024 Data Leak 1792 1024 GladiusIT

This month I have 1 thing to discuss: The RockYou2024 data leak – and why password management is so important!

The RockYou2024 leak was caused by the aggregation and exposure of passwords from multiple previous data breaches. The leak exposed a staggering 8.4 billion passwords, making it one of the largest password breaches in history. Cybercriminals compiled this massive list from various compromised databases, which had been collected over years of hacking activities. The name “RockYou2024” is a reference to the original RockYou data breach in 2009, where 32 million passwords were exposed due to weak security measures. The 2024 leak is not a single breach but rather a compilation of stolen credentials from numerous sources.

This leak underscores the critical importance of regularly changing passwords and utilizing password managers (like Keeper).  We will be pressing this issue harder over the next few months. Just because you do not need to maintain DOD-level security does not mean you can be lax about password management. That just makes you an easier target. Well, we can’t have that, so be advised – we are going to urge you to change that old favorite password of yours in the near future, but we also have ways to make it as easy as it can be!  And if you are not using Keeper yet – let us show you how it works. You will wonder why you did not use it before.

We will see you next time!

~ Pearce and The Gang