Now that it seems that we are settling into the “new normal” of working from home, Zoom/Teams calls, and other strange work dynamics, I want to get us back on the side of proactive IT management again. It seems like we have been fighting fires since March (we have…), but we still need to look ahead of where the industry is going, so we are not broadsided by anything at the last minute. So, that being said – four things:
- Phishbait Returns. We will be restarting the Phishbait program to keep people on their toes with regard to phishing scams. One change – if you want a heads-up on what is coming, we will give it to you. But they will always mimic an actually threats or phishing scam. Remember – MOST ransomware gets in from phishing emails!
- Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer 11 will be losing its support on August 17 2021 – so, you know those dedicated websites that only work on IE? The vendor or bank is going to have to change it by then, or find another solution. IE is going bye-bye after a long run.
- Windows Updates. Updating virtual machines running Windows 2012 – we will get back on making that a priority, by upgrading them to Windows server 2019 on case-by-case basis.
- MS SQL Updates. The same goes for any servers running an MS SQL version older than 2014 – we will get you upgraded to the newest version that your software vendor will support.
Once again – Thanks for your business, and hang in there!!
~ Pearce and the Gang